Jumat, 17 Oktober 2008

8 Cara Jitu Menangkal Penipuan Situs Aspal

Peredaran situs aspal (asli tapi palsu) untuk mencari mangsa di internet sudah jamak terjadi. Pelaku seakan tak mau berhenti dengan kerap melakukan penjiplakan terhadap situs-situs yang penggunanya memiliki data sensitif.

Pihak institusi semisal bank tempat pengguna itu bernaung tentunya kerap memberikan peringatan akan hal ini. Pun demikian, dibutuhkan juga kewaspadaan dari pengguna agar aksi penipuan ini bisa ditangkal. more info

7 Langkah Membersihkan Virus Donal Bebek

Virus Donal Bebek dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic dan terdeteksi sebagai VbWorm.QXE. Salah satu ciri khas virus ini adalah mengandung kata "Bulu Bebek".

Bulu Bebek menyembunyikan folder/subfolder pada flash disk dan membut file duplikat sesuai dengan nama folder/subfolder tersebut untuk mengelabui user. Untuk membersihkannya, simak langkah berikut ini:

1. Sebaiknya putuskan komputer yang akan dibersihkan dari jaringan (jika terhubung ke Local Are Network/LAN). more info

Sabtu, 13 September 2008

6 Tahap Menginstal Linux dengan USB

Selain Windows, sistem operasi Linux juga bisa dijalankan dari sebuah USB (flash disk). Hanya dalam 5 menit, Anda dapat menginstal Linux dari USB.

Anda bisa menggunakan tools bernama UNetbootin. Untuk bisa menginstal Linux dari flash disk, Anda wajib memiliki flash disk berkapasitas meinimal 1GB.

Selain USB, pastikan Anda telah menentukan distribusi Linux yang diinginkan, yaitu: Arch linux, BackTrack, CentOS, CloneZilla, Damn Small Linux, Debian, Dream Linux, Elive, FaunOS, Fedora, Frugalware, Gentoo, Gujin, Kubuntu, Linux Mint, Mandriva, netBSD, NTPasswr, openSUSE, Ophcrack, Parted Magic, PClinuxOS, Puppy Linux, Slax, SliTaZ, Smart Boot Manager, Super Grub Disk, Ubuntu, Xubunu, Zenwalk. more info

Kamis, 11 September 2008

Sejarah Batu Terbang di Jerussalem (Dome of The Rock)

Iseng-iseng browsing, ternyata menemukan salah satu keajaiban dunia, yang disembunyikan oleh bangsa israel..Keajaiban itu bisa disebut The Rock (Dome of The Rock). Batu itu adalah Batu Pijakan Nabi Muhammad SAW yang merupakan Bukti kebesaran Allah SWT. Batu tersebut terletak Di tengah-tengah Masjid Qubbah Al-Shakhrah (Dome of the Rock), dan berukuran kurang lebih 13,8 x 17 meter, batu tersebut seolah-olah tergantung di udara. Subhannallah…!!

Batu itu adalah batu bekas tempat duduk Nabi Muhammad SAW di masa beliau melaksanakan Isra Mi’raj sampai kini masih tetap melayang di udara. Konon pada saat Nabi Muhammad akan ber-mi’raj, batu tersebut ingin ikut, tetapi segera beliau menghentakan kakinya pada batu itu, maksudnya agar batu tersebut tak usah ikut. Batu gantung ajaib itu berada dalam masjid Umar (Dome of The Rock) di Lingkungan Masjidil Aqsha di Jerusalem.

Senin, 08 September 2008


Modernisasi jaman, ternyata tidak mengubah kesukaan orang Indonesia terhadap mobil-mobil jaman dulu atau yang dikenal dengan mobil tua. Buktinya masih banyak penduduk Indonesia terutama di Jakarta, masih tetap mengendarai mobil dengan bahan bakar bensin tersebut. Alasannya berbagai macam, ada yang memang senang terhadap mobil tua, hobi maupun koleksi. more info

Senin, 18 Agustus 2008


X POWER Diciptakan pada tahun 1996 dan sampai saat ini sudah diproduksi lebih dari 2.200.000 unit dengan pendistribusiannya hampir diseluruh pelosok Indonesia, serta alat ini telah terdaftar dan mempunyai Hak Paten Nomor ID-0000699-S Tentang Alat Penghemat BBM/BBG Non Katalis, Paten Design Industri Nomor ID-0010476-D dan ID-0010477-D

X-POWER adalah sebuah alat ionizer BBM/ BBG modern yang mampu memenuhi keinginan konsumen dalam meningkatkan performance mesin kendaraan dan mesin-mesin lainnya, dapat menghemat BBM dan mengurangi polusi gas buang. more info

Sabtu, 16 Agustus 2008

7 Cara Hidup Sehat Cara Rasulullah SAW

Rasulullah saw adalah suri tauladan kita. Sekalipun beliau berkata bahwa kita lebih mengerti urusan dunia kita dari pada beliau, tetapi bukan berarti beliau tidak mengerti masalah-masalah duniawi, terutama hidup yang efektif dan sehat.

Bukan berarti beliau terbebas dari penyakit. Tapi, saat-saat kesehatan beliau mendapat musibah bisa dihitung dengan jari satu tangan. Berbeda dengan manusia sekarang, yang sangat rentan terserang penyakit.

Apa sih rahasianya? Berikut ini adalah muwashoffat hidup sehat beliau

Rasul selalu mengajak ummatnya untuk bangun sebelum subuh, melaksanakan sholat sunah dan sholat Fardhu, sholat subuh berjamaah. Hal ini memberi hikmah yg mendalam antara lain :
- Berlimpah pahala dari Allah SWT
- Kesegaran udara subuh yg bagus untuk kesehatan / terapi penyakit TB
- Memperkuat pikiran dan menyehatkan perasaan. more info

Kamis, 14 Agustus 2008

8 Tips Sambut Datangnya Bulan Suci Ramadhan

Ramadhan yang penuh kelimpahan kebaikan dan keutamaan, akan dapat dirasakan dan diraih ketika ilmu tentang Ramadhan dipahami dengan baik.

Bayangkan, para generasi awal Islam sangat merindukan bertemu dengan bulan suci ini. Mereka berdo’a selama enam bulan sebelum kedatangannya agar mereka dipanjangkan umurnya sehingga bertemu dengan Ramadhan. Saat Ramadhan tiba, mereka sungguh-sungguh meraih kebaikan dan keuataman Ramadhan. Dan ketika mereka berpisah dengan Ramadhan, mereka berdo’a selama enam bulan setelahnya, agar kesungguhannya diterima Allah swt. Kerinduan itu ada pada diri mereka, karena mereka sadar dan paham betul keutamaan dan keistimewaan Ramadhan.

Bagaimana menyambut bulan Ramadhan? Berikut kami hadirkan “8 Tips Sambut Ramadhan” :

1. Berdoa agar Allah swt. memberikan umur panjang kepada kita sehingga kita berjumpa dengan bulan Ramadhan dalam keadaan sehat. Dengan keadaan sehat, kita bisa melaksanakan ibadah secara maksimal: Puasa, shalat, tilawah, dan dzikir. Dari Anas bin Malik r.a. berkata, bahwa Rasulullah saw. apabila masuk bulan Rajab selalu berdoa, ”Allahuma bariklana fii rajab wa sya’ban, wa balighna ramadan. Ya Allah, berkahilah kami pada bulan Rajab dan Sya’ban, dan sampaikan kami ke bulan Ramadan.” (HR. Ahmad dan Tabrani) more info



Flu disebabkan oleh infeksi virus. Tidak ada obat pilek yang efektif untuk bayi adan anak. Lamanya flu bervariasi bisa 3 hari samapi 2 minggu. Tergantung daya tahan tubuh kita saat itu dan tergantung ada tidaknya orang lain yang juga sakit flu di rumah atau di sekolah si anak.
Yang paling dibutuhkan saat anak sakit flu adalah Cairan. Termasuk air buah. Upayakan agar anak sering minum meski sedikit-sedikit. Selain itu, supaya “ingus” tidak kental dan menyumbat jalan nafas, berikan air garam steril sebagai tetes hidung. more info


Madu adalah “obat dari Allah” dan para pakar pengobatan tradisional menemukan ampuhnya obat yang satu ini bila dikombinasi dengan kayumanis (cinnamon). Madu dikenal khasiatnya bagi kesehatan sejak berabad-abad lalu, dan jika madu dipergunakan dengan takaran yang tepat tidak akan menimbulkan efek negatif bagi penderita diabetes.
Dalam majalah Weekly World News yang terbit di Kanada, melaporkan ada beberapa penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan melalui terapi madu dan kayumanis, yaitu:
Campurkan satu bagian madu dengan dua bagian air hangat lalu tambahkan sedikit bubuk kayu manis agar campuran itu berbentuk pasta.
Setelah jadi pasta, lalu oleskan perlahan-lahan di bagian tubuh yang mengalami nyeri. Setelah itu, dalam waktu satu atau dua menit rasa nyeri itu mulai reda.
Penederita radang sendi setiap hari, pada pagi dan malam hari, juga bisa memanfaatkan campuran secangkir air hangat dengan dua sendok madu dan sesendok the bubuk kayumanis. Penderita radang sendi akutpun bisa sembuh bila meminum ramuan ini secara teratur. Semoga……more info

Selasa, 12 Agustus 2008

12 Tips Sukses Berbisnis Bakery

1. Confident
Mengapa rasa pede merupakan hal yang penting? karena tanpa rasa percaya diri yang cukup, mungkin seorang yang sangat berbakat dan mampu menghasilkan berbagai kue yang berkualitas, lezat dan pasti digemari banyak konsumen, akan selalu merasa bahwa produk buatannya kalah baik dengan berbagai produk yang ada di pasaran. Padahal kenyataannya, banyak sekali produk yang bisa dikatakan biasa-biasa saja, bahkan di bawah standar baik kualitas (rasa, penampilan dan kemasan), mampu tampil di rak-rak berbagai toko kue dan mall, bahkan memiliki pelanggan tetap di berbagai komunitas. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, ada baiknya seseorang memiliki atau menciptakan resep yang kreatif, beda dari yang lain, sehingga tidak perlu merasa minder dengan pesaing, karena memiliki keunikan tersendiri, tips lain yang sangat mudah dilakukan adalah banyak-banyak melakukan survey ke berbagai tempat dan toko dengan berbagai level, niscaya rasa percaya diri akan timbul dengan sendirinya. more info

Kamis, 07 Agustus 2008

Tips Berhenti Merokok

Ada bermacam-macam strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk menolong diri sendiri membuang kebiasaan merokok, seperti membuat tangan tetap sibuk mengunyah wortel, menghela napas panjang di udara segar, minu air putih, atau bahkan menghadiahi diri sendiri.

Kendatipun demikian berikut ini beberapa cara yang dapat meningkatkan peluang Anda untuk berhasil berhenti merokok dan tidak kembali lagi ke kebiasaan semula selama minggu-minggu pertama yang sangat kritis :

1. Catat kemajuan Anda. Bila Anda mencoba berhenti merokok secara pelan-pelan tetapi mantap, yang penting Anda perbuat adalah menetapkan kapan Anda akan betul-betul meninggalkan rokok. Akan tetapi sementara itu, catat setiap batang rokok yang Anda isap-di mana dan dalam kondisi apa, saran Don R. Powel, Ph.D. ketua American Institute for Preventive Medicine di Farmingto Hills, Michigan, yang juga seorang mantan perokok. Ini akan memudahkan Anda mengidentifikasi situasi-situasi yang menyebabka Anda merokok lalu menentukan perilaku alternatif sebagai pengganti merokok. more info

Rabu, 06 Agustus 2008

Tips Menjaga Diri Dari Gangguan Syetan

surat al araf 14-17: dimana iblis yg dijauhkan dari kasih sayang Allah telah berjanji dan meminta pada Allah untuk dipanjangkan umurnya,dan Allah memberikan umur yg panjang pada Iblis,dan iblis berjanji untuk menjerumuskan manusia dari jalan yang lurus kepada apa yg dikehendaki iblis.

Cara agar terhindar dari gangguan syetan.

1. Bertauhid dan bertawakal hanya kepada Allah. Dalam surat an nahl 99-100,seseungguhnya syaitan tidak dapat mempengaruhi org2 yang beriman dan bertawakal kepada Allah,hanya saja kekuatan syetan itu berada pada orang yg berpaling pada syaitan dan melakukan kesyirikan. Keimanan seorang hamba dikatakan baik jika tauhidnya baik. more info

Selasa, 05 Agustus 2008

Google Tips for Web Businesses

Whether you're a first-time blogger or you've owned a Web site for many years, chances are you're not doing it just for fun. Mostly everyone wants to make money with their online venture, or at least gain lots of exposure. If this is the case, then you may want to opt for some Google tools to track your success.
If one of your objectives is to have a lot of eyeballs on your site, you may want to set up an account with Google Analytics, so that you can track your Web site's referrals and run traffic reports. Next, you'll likely want to choose which advertisements are relevant to your site's content by using Google AdSense. This way, you can earn money every time a visitor clicks on these ads. (Yes, real money!) Finally, Google AdWords will help you customize your ads and choose the right keywords to make your site search-friendly. more info

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

iPhone 3G Tips and Tricks

As the cliché goes, with great power comes great responsibility. Round 2 of the iPhone revolution brought fans a 3G-capable model with a built-in GPS radio—not to mention plenty of software enhancements that work on both the new model and the original version.
Of course, that means there's more to learn. But that's where we come in. We assume you already know how to make calls, surf the Web, synchronize your music and photos, and generally have a good time—but you want to learn some real shortcuts. If that's the case, here's a list of our top tips and tricks for iPhone 2.0, geared toward more advanced users. Want to become a real iPhone power user? Read on.
1. Force-quit an application. Now that the iPhone is a real handheld computer, it's not immune from the occasional misbehaving application. If one freezes up on you, force-quit by pressing and holding the Home button for 6 seconds. more info

by Jamie Lendino

Top Tips to Extend Your Laptop Battery Life

You seasoned techies are no doubt thinking, “Another article on how to get more life from your laptop battery. Big deal. I already know how to do that.” Well, Mr. or Ms. Techie, I scoff at your hubris. There’s still plenty to learn when it comes to getting more juice from a charge and extending your battery’s overall life. more info

by Erik Rhey

Rahasia, Tips dan Cara Tetap Sehat & Menjaga Kesehatan Anda dan Keluarga : Menghindari Penyakit Jasmani & Rohani, Jiwa & Raga

Memiliki tubuh dan badan yang sehat seumur hidup adalah dambaan setiap orang. Namun situasi dan kondisi lingkungan sekitar kita serta bervariasinya daya tubuh seseorang terhadap penyakit membuat hal impian tersebut sulit untuk dicapai. Semua orang pasti pernah sakit, namun resiko sakit dapat diminimalkan atau dikurangi resikonya dengan memperhatikan hal-hal berikut ini :

1. Istirahat / Tidur
Waktu yang diperlukan manusia normal untuk tidur kurang lebih 8 jam sehari atau sepertiga hari. Waktu tidur akan bertambah sesuai usia, di mana bayi, anak kecil dan manula membutuhkan waktu tidur yang lebih banyak dari orang dewasa dan anak muda. Tidur yang cukup dapat meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dan energi di dalam tubuh, sehingga dapat menghindarkan diri kita dari berbagai serangan penyakit yang merugikan. more info

Tips : Strategi Keuangan Bagi Pasangan Muda

Agar kehidupan pernikahan Anda bebas dari pertengkaran soal uang, tetapkan strategi dalam mengelola keuangan keluarga.

1. Bangun kejujuran

Anda berdua sebaiknya bersikap jujur dan terbuka mengenai jumlah pendapatan setiap bulan, termasuk pos lain selain gaji. Jujur bukan hanya dalam hal jumlah penghasilan, tetapi juga mengenai kebiasaan berbelanja. more info

Jumat, 01 Agustus 2008

From Kitchen Utensil to Work of Art

The central of metalwork such as copper and brass has been in existence since the age of Matarm kingdom. At the time, the center of metalworking was functioned as the main supplier of household items made of metal, serving the aristocrats as well as the comments.

At the time of the Mataram kingdom, a Mataram Prince known by the name Prince Jolang intended to stay in the Tumang area. At the time, the Tumang area was still a forest. In this place, Prince Jolang and his aides opened the forest and built a settlement. Henceforth, Prince Jolang needs such as eating utensils and household items made of metal was supplied by a few blacksmiths. more info

WiFi on the move: This device turns your car into a hot spot

A completely connected car. John Halamka, of CareGroup Healthcare System, anoints his "cool technology of the week": AutoNet Mobile, a device that can turn one's car into a WiFi hot spot, for $29 per month.
Access speeds range from 600Kbps to 800Kbps with upload speeds about 200Kbps. No software is needed to use the device, since it uses existing WiFi connections resident on mobile devices and thus it is compatible with all operating systems and devices. No additional antennas are needed. Chrysler plans to offer this service on all of its 2009 models starting in August. more info

By Scott Kirsner

Rabu, 30 Juli 2008

Microsoft tricks sceptics over Mojave Vista

SPINNERS at Microsoft desperate to prove that its Vista OS is not the lemon that most sceptics claim, have staged a cunning publicity stunt.

According to News.com, the Vole has started rounding up Windows XP users who had negative impressions of Vista. They then showed them a 'new' operating system code-named Mojave. More than 90 per cent of the sceptics said the new OS was good and then they were filmed as they were told that "Mojave" was actually Windows Vista.

Surprisingly, none of the people filmed called Vista spinners a very rude word. In fact one of the dupes actually said the words, "Oh wow!" which is the phrase Voles have been hoping to get out of users mouths for months.

The users in question had not attempted to install software and not received the annoying "Do you want to do this Dave?" comments. Nor did they have to suffer those stupid shut down messages where Vista claims it is trying to fix a problem but doesn't.

Windows unit business chief Bill Veghte told News.com, that his team had a huge "perception opportunity" with the "OS". Which is VoleSpeak for everyone thinks Vista is pants

by Nick Farrell


Batik but often, in English, is batik is a wax-resist dyeing technique used on textile. Batik is found in several countries of West Africa, such as Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Mali, and in Asia, such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, China, Iran, the Philippines, Malaysia and Thailand. However, it is in Indonesia that it is considered a national art form. more info

by Raymon

Rabu, 23 Juli 2008

Sexual reproduction

Sexual reproduction is a process where organisms form offspring that combine genetic traits from both parents.[1] Genetic traits are contained within the dioxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of chromosomes — by combining one of each type of chromosomes from each parent, an organism is formed containing a doubled set of chromosomes. This double-chromosome stage is called "diploid", while the single chromosome stage is "haploid". Diploid organisms can, in turn, form haploid cells (gametes) that randomly contain one of each of the chromosome pairs, via a process called meiosis.[2] Meiosis also involves a stage of chromosomal crossover, in which regions of DNA are exchanged between matched types of chromosomes to form a new pair of mixed chromosomes. Crossing over and fertilization (the recombining of single sets of chromosomes to make a new diploid) result in the new organism containing a different set of genetic traits from either parent... more info

by Wikipedia


Technology is a broad concept that deals with a species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, it is a consequence of science and engineering, although several technological advances predate the two concepts. Technology is a term with origins in the Greek "technologia", "τεχνολογία" — "techne", "τέχνη" ("craft") and "logia", "λογία" ("saying").[1] However, a strict definition is elusive; "technology" can refer to material objects of use to humanity, such as machines, hardware or utensils, but can also encompass broader themes, including systems, methods of organization, and techniques. The term can either be applied generally or to specific areas: examples include "construction technology", "medical technology", or "state-of-the-art technology"....more info

by Wikipedia

Sabtu, 19 Juli 2008

Bali Island

Bali, a tropical island in the Indonesian archipelago, is so picturesque and immaculate it could almost be a painted backdrop. It has rice paddies tripping down hillsides like giant steps, volcanoes soaring up through the clouds, dense tropical jungle, long sandy beaches, warm blue water, crashing surf and friendly people who don't just have a culture but actually live it. In Bali spirits come out to play in the moonlight, every night is a festival and even a funeral is an opportunity to have a good time. more info..

by Raymon tours

Choosing a Web-Hosting Service

A guide for small-business owners to selecting the right Web-hosting service, including a list of questions to ask.
A few years ago, entrepreneur Blake Snow found a cheap Web-hosting platform for his new consulting business, based in Orem, Utah. The real cost didn’t come until later. “I [prepaid] 12 months service for a cheap host that I could only use for two months before having to make the switch to a better provider,” says Snow, who runs Web consultant Griffio Consulting. “I had to eat the cost.” More info...

By Damon Brown

Outlook Vs. the Others: Business Email Clients

Microsoft's email application is widely used, but how does it stack up for business use when compared to other products?
With presence on about 450 million desktops, Microsoft Outlook is by far the most widely used email application in the world, but it's not popular with everyone.
Some small business owners feel they don't have the skills to administer support for Outlook. IT managers at mid-size businesses may fear it will be more susceptible to viruses and worms than other programs. Still others "just don't like Microsoft," says Erica Driver, principal analyst with Forrester Research, of Cambridge, Mass. more info..

By Todd Wasserman

Borobudur Sunrise, the Scenery of the Sunrise in Nirvana

Admiring the grandeur of Borobudur at day and seeing details of each statue and stones with relief of the constructors is something that people from around the world are longing to do. However, not many people realize that Borobudur also has other unique view, namely the scenery of the beautiful rising sun that blows the statue of Buddha sitting cross-legged at the peak of the temple that was constructed in the ninth century.... more info

by Yunanto Wiji Utomo

Healthy old Europe

The population of Western Europe is aging, and the region's birthrate, looking ever more anemic, is well below the replacement level. The specter haunting Western Europe today is the prospect of inexorable demographic decline.
But not all is ill with Europe's demographic situation. Its aging population is exceptionally healthy. As a result, its people are more capable of remaining productive into their advanced years now than they used to be, and perhaps even more so than their American counterparts. "Healthy aging" in fact may turn out to be a trump card for enhancing prosperity and international competitiveness - if Europeans are willing to play it as such ...more info

by By Nicholas Eberstadt and Hans Groth

iPhone 3G: Great for New Buyers, But Upgraders Beware

Innovative design and seamless integration between software and device propelled the first-generation iPhone to instant stardom. Its successor, the iPhone 3G, at once expands upon that innovation -- and delivers it at half the entry price of its predecessor. The result is a classy device whose abilities continue to make it a strong choice for smart phone shoppers who value form that supports function--but less of a must-have upgrade than you might think ... more info

Content By Melissa J. Perenson, PC World

Jumat, 18 Juli 2008

Computers Everywhere: Embedded Software Made Simpler Yet More Powerful

The current decade will probably be known as the dawn of pervasive computing, when PCs were dethroned by technology to embed computers in almost everything. The hardware already exists to add features such as artificial intelligence and wireless connectivity to clothing or cars. Thanks to researchers, software is catching up fast.
“Hardware development has reached a stage where it is possible to have a fully-fledged computer with processor, memory and operating system on a board the size of a sliver of chewing gum,” explains Germán Puebla, a researcher at Madrid Technical University. “But until now software that can be programmed easily, and uses the limited hardware and power resources of pervasive computing devices as efficiently as possible has been lacking.” ... more info

by ScienceDaily

Kamis, 17 Juli 2008

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008



Madakaripura waterfall located in Sapih village, Lombang district, and it is not far from Bromo area. Madakaripura is a sacred visiting area comprising lines of waterfalls where its center reaches a height of 200 meters from the bottom. This waterfall has related historic with a great Prime Ministry, Gajah Mada, who strongly struggled to unify the whole territory of the nation under span of control of Majapahit, and said as “the last residence for Gajah Mada” more info...

More Info :
Jl. Dr. Sutomo 174
Telp. 62335433392

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008


Bromo isn't the highest mountain in Java — that honor goes to nearby Mount Semeru at 3,676m — but it's probably the most famous one. Bromo is in fact only one of many peaks inside the massive Tengger Caldera, but it's easily recognized as the entire top has been blown off and the crater inside constantly belches white sulphurous smoke. The inside of the caldera, aptly dubbed the Laut Pasir (Sea of Sand) is coated with fine volcanic sand and the overall effect is unsettlingly unearthly, especially when compared to the lush green valleys all around the caldera.
Orientation more info...

More info :
RAYMON TOUR (Bali - Jogja - Bromo)
Jl. Dr. Sutomo 174 - Probolinggo
Phone : 62335433392
fax : 62335423582